End of 2012 season

Sunday, 15 July 2012

The long road… a bittersweet grind?!?

The last few months have been busy as usual. Both courses are busy and course conditions continue improving as our turfcare team works hard with continued maintenance and project work.

I've decided to write a reflection piece that I've been pondering for the past few days. My new experience at K-Country has given me great rewards, but not without challenges. The obvious would be the challenges in course conditioning we've faced due to a difficult winter season, but those challenges come with the territory for all turfgrass managers. The less obvious challenges are the lifestyle changes that I've been adapting to since moving here in April.

I live on site at the golf course. For now, my fiancé Shelley, and my two animals, Baxter and Levi, still live in Kelowna. Being away from my family is hard. Before the move to Kananaskis, we lived together and shared many great memories for five years.

The choice was always mine and the decision was made over several long nights of consideration with Shelley. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and hopefully with hard work, patience and some sacrifice, the decision to be apart for a temporary period of time will grow us closer together and put me into a position where I can provide and live happily with my family. Cliche I know, but I'm sure many fellow turfies have made similar sacrifices and decisions.

A colleague of mine, whom I consider a mentor, once told me that I should be willing to relocate and keep my options open so that I may eventually run my own show. My road to being a superintendent has been bittersweet. Many long days grinding out my time trying to keep myself motivated. However in the end, I can look back to my last post, the results can be so rewarding.

I give much respect to all my fellow colleagues and everyone else that is passionate in pursuing a better product no matter what kind of a grind it takes. Good conditions and continued success to you all!