End of 2012 season

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Opening day push.

The turfcare team started in early April and we were able to take advantage of some decent weather to accomplish many tasks.  Most of our wildlife fence have been taken down, rolled up and put away.  Fence posts have been pulled except for the few stubborn ones that need softer ground.  Our snow clearing crews have worked hard clearing greens, tees and surrounds.  Our bobcat and polar track blowers have been opening up shaded areas in the fairways and surface drain lines to allow for the flowing melt.

Early last weekend we were welcomed with four days of fresh snow.  Both properties were again completely covered in about 30cm.  Most of the fresh didn't melt off until mid week and our crews were out again clearing greens so that we could peel back tarps.  At times, weather can be frustrating, however it's a part of our seasons and our location.  We continue to stay focused and motivated in our accomplishments.

More staff will be joining us in the upcoming weeks.  Their help will be gladly welcomed as we will focus on some project work.  With cooperating weather, our push to "get er done" will begin.  Long days and hard work will be necessary and we have the team to do it.

Our turfcare team at Kananaskis Country is excited for opening weekend.  We are motivated in completing our projects, cleaning the course, putting on the first cut and placing out all the accessories.  We have built a great team and everyone continues to work hard for the benefit of the golf courses.  Great job team!

If you haven't already opened for 2013, all the best with your opening week!  Let's have a great season.

Clearing off some fresh powder

Promoting activity 14Kidd green
Clearing the fresh and peeling back the edges

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